Friday, 6 January 2012

National Scholarship Programme at the University of Worcester

The National Scholarship Programme has been introduced to help students from low-income households and underrepresented groups to enter Higher Education.

The University of Worcester is offering 200 scholarships in 2012/13. Each scholarship is valued at £3000 or a pro rata amount in the case of part time students and is awarded in the form of a fee waiver to first year students.

Applications will be considered from students intending to register at the University of Worcester during the academic year commencing in September 2012 and whose household income (as verified by Student Finance England) is £25,000 a year or under, although meeting this criteria will not automatically entitle applicants to the scholarship. Scholarships will be awarded in strict order of level of household income until all the available scholarships have been awarded. Special consideration will be given to students who have been in care and to refugees. Please see The Student Finance England Factsheet How you are Assessed and Paid for details about whose income is taken into account when household income is assessed. Their website is

Applicants must not normally be resident in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland and will need to be registering on courses that cost more than £6000 or the part-time pro rata equivalent.

See below for scholarships available to international students.


Those students not eligible for a scholarship under the National Scholarship Programme are;

  • NHS Funded students
  • Students funded by the Training and Development Agency for Schools
  • Students directly continuing from one course to another (eg from a foundation degree or HND to the final year of an honours degree)
  • Students transferring in from another institution
  • Students taking a postgraduate qualification
  • Part-time students studying at less than 25per cent intensity of the full-time equivalent
  • Any other students whose fees are paid or part-paid through a sponsorship arrangement

Awards will be made only upon confirmation of household income so it is essential that students submit an income assessed application to Student Finance England (SFE) and submit all evidence requested. You must also ensure that you or your parents do not tick the box on your application that removes the consent to share because this would prevent confirmation of your income being shared with us. You should be able to apply to SFE for student funding online from January 2012 but for more details on when you can apply please visit their website

Student Finance England should be able to begin confirming applicants’ income to universities from July 2012 provided you have applied and supplied the necessary evidence. The University of Worcester will then start to notify successful applicants in writing after the 31st August 2012 deadline.

EU and part-time students will receive a separate form from Student Finance England to provide details of their household income and some scholarships will be reserved for part-time students whose income cannot be assessed by SFE until after they have started the course.

Application forms for scholarships under the University of Worcester’s National Scholarship Programme will available from this page soon. Please note that applications should only be submitted when you have firmly accepted either a conditional or unconditional offer of a place

For full details of all scholarships available at the University of Worcester, please visit the Scholarships 2012/12 page.

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